Best livestock alternative
for exceptional returns
Improve your bottom line with Cashmere goats bred for New Zealand conditions.
New Zealand Cashmere goats provide:
Premium Fibre Returns
Cashmere fibre is worth up to $150 per kilo. Due to the strong heritability of cashmere traits, many farms are able to produce fibres of 16 micron and lower in the first two years.
Read more.
Alternative to Tree Planting.
Keep farming and utilise your harder country, goats enable you to grow high value produce (fibre and meat) and utilise land that has traditionally been unproductive or low performing. Alternative to blanket forestry.
Improved Capital Stock
Goats graze differently than sheep, beef and deer and improve pasture quality. Farming systems integrated with goats are proven to produce more kg of meat per hectare and finish stock faster. Read more.
Genetic Gain
Enjoy the significant and rapid genetic gain in goats with your own breeding programme. Start your foundation flock and secure purpose-bred Cashmere bucks today. Contact us about does and purpose-bred bucks today.
Weed Control
Goats enjoy a varied diet, targeting most weeds before clover or “better quality” pasture. Reduce your spray costs and chemical usage as well as minimising your environmental footprint.
Secure Market
The partnership between New Zealand Cashmere and Woolyarns provides peace of mind. A secure buyer for cashmere fibre is already in place. Fibre supply is required, and lots of it. Goat meat is also in high demand globally and a number of NZ meat processors are taking stock now.
Learn more about our ambitious goal to transform the cashmere industry. Discover more details about our unique partnership with Woolyarns, which has created a fully-traceable supply chain in New Zealand.
Meet our dedicated team, including Olivia Sanders and Duncan Steans, who are committed to driving the future of cashmere in New Zealand.
Build your flock.
New Zealand Cashmere is looking for farmers to join the revolution/renaissance of the NZ Cashmere Industry. Build your flock from foundation does, and produce 16-micron fibre in two years’ time, all the while reaping the other farm management benefits of running an integrated farming system. Start your foundation flock and secure purpose-bred Cashmere bucks today. Contact us about does and purpose-bred bucks now.
Together with New Zealand Cashmere